Amazon Services Package

Basic (Monthly)

2499 Monthly
  • Account Health Management
  • Buyers- Seller Communication
  • Feedback Management
  • Product Listing (up to 100)
  • Coupons & Promotions
  • A+ Listing (up to 2)
  • Safe-T Claim (up to 50)
  • Performance Notification Mgt.
  • FBA Registration
  • Category Approval


5500 Quarterly
  • Account Health Management
  • Buyers- Seller Communication
  • Feedback Management
  • Product Listing (up to 100)
  • Coupons & Promotions
  • A+ Listing (up to 2)
  • Safe-T Claim (up to 50)
  • Performance Notification Mgt.
  • FBA Registration
  • Category Approval


12999 Annually
  • Account Health Management
  • Buyers- Seller Communication
  • Feedback Management
  • Product Listing (up to 100)
  • Coupons & Promotions
  • A+ Listing (up to 2)
  • Safe-T Claim (up to 50)
  • Performance Notification Mgt.
  • FBA Registration
  • Category Approval


4000 Monthly
  • Overall Account Health Management
  • Product Listing (up to 150)
  • A+ Listing (up to 6)
  • Safe-T Claim (up to 100)
  • FBA Shipment & Removal
  • Sponsor Ad Management
  • Prime Enrollment
  • Listing Optimization
  • Keyword Research
  • *Basic Package Included


7999 Quarterly
  • Overall Account Health Management
  • Product Listing (up to 150)
  • A+ Listing (up to 6)
  • Safe-T Claim (up to 100)
  • FBA Shipment & Removal
  • Sponsor Ad Management
  • Prime Enrollment
  • Listing Optimization
  • Keyword Research
  • *Basic Package Included


24999 Annually
  • Overall Account Health Management
  • Product Listing (up to 150)
  • A+ Listing (up to 6)
  • Safe-T Claim (up to 100)
  • FBA Shipment & Removal
  • Sponsor Ad Management
  • Prime Enrollment
  • Listing Optimization
  • Keyword Research
  • *Basic Package Included


5999 Monthly
  • Overall Account Health Management
  • Category Approval
  • Brand Registery& Protection
  • Campaign Management
  • Brand Store Creation
  • A+ Listing (up to 20)
  • Brand Video (1 per month)
  • Prime/FBA/(if eligible)
  • Priority Compliance Reply
  • Reconciliation/Reimbursement/ Reports


12999 Quarterly
  • Overall Account Health Management
  • Category Approval
  • Brand Registery& Protection
  • Campaign Management
  • Brand Store Creation
  • A+ Listing (up to 20)
  • Brand Video (1 per month)
  • Prime/FBA/(if eligible)
  • Priority Compliance Reply
  • Reconciliation/Reimbursement/ Reports


36000 Annually
  • Overall Account Health Management
  • Category Approval
  • Brand Registery& Protection
  • Campaign Management
  • Brand Store Creation
  • A+ Listing (up to 20)
  • Brand Video (1 per month)
  • Prime/FBA/(if eligible)
  • Priority Compliance Reply
  • Reconciliation/Reimbursement/ Reports